Monday, September 16, 2013

Five Reasons to Consider Pet Insurance

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You left for an outing with friends thinking your furry friend would be napping and waiting for your arrival.

Um, not so much. The moment you left they went on a reconnaissance mission for snacks and other mischievous activities. Did we mention they got into your secret “when I think of him” chocolate stash?  Between Sparky’s torn ear, Buster’s bloody lip, and the fact that chocolate is poisonous to dogs, you’re looking at a long, expensive night at the emergency veterinary hospital.

You’re not alone. The average pet owner has between $ 500 to $ 1,000 in emergency funds available for an unexpected trip to the vet. Sadly, most emergency situations cost more than this – hello credit cards! Then there are the long-term illnesses like cancer or diabetes which can really add up in a short time. But we pay, because we love our furry kids as much as we do the human ones.

“I always hear from Pet Parents, ‘I wish I had purchased pet insurance, because my pet was ill just last month’,” said pet expert and blogger Steven May from the Daily Growl.

Pet Insurance Benefits

  • Offers financial peace of mind in the event that your pet needs emergency veterinary care

  • Covers serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and renal disease

  • Covers surgical care if your pet is seriously injured

  • Can cover veterinary services like tooth extractions and advanced dental procedures, depending on the policy

  • Gives you freedom to pursue a board certified specialist for your pet’s specific needs

A Few Things You Should Know
Just like human insurance, pricing and coverage are dependant on breed, age, gender and past illnesses. Monthly premiums can be very low but you are responsible for paying for your vet bill at the time of service. Then you file a claim to get reimbursed 80% and 90% by your insurance provider, once you’ve met your coinsurance payment. This varies depending on provider and policy. And just like insurance for humans, certain pre-existing conditions can be a deal breaker when it comes to price or even getting coverage at all.  Some solid pet insurance companies include  Trupanion, Petcare and Veterinary Pet Insurance.

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