Sunday, September 22, 2013

10 Easy Steps to Care for a Dog

==10 Easy Steps to Care for a Dog  ==

1 Develop a feeding routine. A good diet keeps a dog healthy and energetic, making his coat and eyes shine. Most people feed their dogs once a day and typically in the morning. If your dog has digestive problems, is very young or very old, you should feed several times a day in small amounts. Consult your veterinarian about feeding amounts, daily nutrition, and weight management

2 Feed treats in moderation. It is expensive, yes, but better for your dog if you give him bits of cooked chicken, beef, or liver as treats. Treats should be given during training and should be things your dog will go gaga over, like the above meats or bits of a hot dog. Store bought treats are ok but not quite as desirable. Never use actual dog food as treats — that’s no fun for your dog! Give him some motivation in his training so he can learn quickly. Keep him guessing. First, use a hot dog, then maybe a piece of cheese. Now he’ll be wondering, “Hmm…what’s next? I hope it’s chicken!”

3 Know what foods are harmful to dogs. Never feed your dog chocolate, because this can be fatal. Poultry bones, from turkey, chicken, etc., are very dangerous. They can splinter or tear holes in a dog’s intesines and kill him. Don’t offer any fried food, for the fat intake is too high for canines. Opt to only cook by poaching and steaming. Never give a dog raw meat; you never know if it is contaminated or not. Don’t feed milk, cake, sweets, candy, onions, or grapes to your dog, or anything that contains these. Onions are in almost everything, so you should be very choosy about what you give your dog.

4 Supply clean, fresh water 24/7. |Clean water is essential.]]Your dog should never be without water, no matter what time or season. The water should be clean, clear and fresh. Once a month, scrub the water bowl clean with mild soap and warm water. Water should be located next to the food bowl and should be of easy access for your dog. If your dog spends time outside often, there should be an outside water dish available as well. Check water once or twice a day in winter and up to three times a day in the heat of summer.

5 Provide toys for your dog. Dogs — especially puppies — love to chew. If they are not supplied with dog-safe toys, they will end up chewing anything they can — that means your shoes and furniture! If you aren’t sure about a toy’s safety, ask your veterinarian.

6 Take your dog to the vet for regular check-ups. These are to ensure that there are no underlying problems that you may be unaware of. If your dog is sick, injured, or seemingly “out of the loop”, contact your veterinarian right away.

7 Read all you can about dogs. A great book on dog care and basic obedience training is “It’s Me or the Dog” by world-renowned British dog trainer Victoria Stillwell. If your dog has some bad habits, catch Stillwell’s television show “It’s Me or the Dog” on Animal Planet.

8 Brush your dog regularly. This is not only a great way to bond with your dog, but it also circulates the blood, massages the skin, and gets rid of excess hair. Be gentle and find a brush that is kind to your dog’s skin. Brush down the back, chest, and gently on the stomach, legs, and neck. Brushing promotes a healthy, shiny coat.
9 Play with your dog and talk it for walks. A healthy dog is a happy dog, and excercise plays a major role in canine health. Make it fun for both of you!
10 Train your dog to do some basic tricks or obedience training. Not only will this reinforce good behavior, it will also connect pathways in your dog’s brain. The more you train, the more connections are made, thus the more your dog is able to learn.
11 Don’t let your dog sleep on your bed. By assigning them a comfortable mat or dog bed to sleep on, you are maintaining your position as alpha, boss, and “top dog”. Your dog will probably want to sleep in the same room as you, and this is fine. Don’t simply allow him to come to bed whenever he wants. Teach him that his bed is his alone and is meant to be slept on by saying “bedtime!” in a happy yet calm voice whenever you go to bed. He should follow you, and if he doesn’t, gently bring him onto his bed, tell him “bedtime”, “lie down”, or “down” and wait until he lies down on his bed. Say, “Goodboy!”, give him a pat, and go to bed. If he gets up to follow you, repeat the steps, this time, saying “stay” as well, if he knows this command. In a week or so he should recognize that he goes to be when you do.

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