Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fresh, Raw and Whole Food For Your Dog"s Health - What to Select, Preparation, Mistakes to Avoid


In this article understand what whole, fresh, raw foods are good for your dog;
How to prepare and feed these foods to your dog;
Mistakes to avoid making.

Fresh whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat, healthy oils, herbs and spices offer our dogs digestible, nutrient rich food without the dangerous ingredients, additives, toxins and carcinogens found in many pet store food products.

My dogs get homemade cooked dog food  and homemade treats in the morning and early evening and then, later in the evening they get their bowl of fresh food. It is best not to mix fresh fruit and fresh vegetables with your dog;s main protein meal – I will discuss the reason for that further below.

As an example – per day:

  • My larger dogs (German Shepherds and my Boxer) eat 11/8  to 11/4 cup of home made cooked dog food but they eat about 3 cups of various fresh foods a day;

  • My medium size dogs (Australian Shepherd and a smaller female GSD) eat 3/4 cup of cup of home made cooked dog food and 21/2 cups of various fresh foods a day;

  • My small dogs (Sheltie and a Cocker Spaniel) eat 1/2 cup of home made cooked dog food and 1 cup of various fresh foods.

  • My Chihuahua eats 1/8 cup home made cooked dog food and 1/2 cup fresh food a day. 

  • My 4lb Pomeranian eats 2 tbs of home made cooked dog food and 1/4 cup various fresh foods. 

Feeding your dog fresh whole foods as part of a balanced diet can have a profoundly positive affect on a dog’s overall health and can be a great aid in avoiding, treating and remedying many health issues – for example periodontal problems and GI tract problems.


Meat is a rich source of protein, amino acids and contains many nutrients necessary for the health of dogs. Protein is the primary and species appropriate food for a dog. Dogs can survive without carbohydrates but they cannot survive without protein and fat in their diet. Organically raised, pasture fed chemical free (no antibiotics, no growth hormones, none GMO grain feed, etc) raised is always a better choice than meat coming from farms that use antibiotics, steroids, pesticide and herbicide, GMO feed. Some people like to feed their dog raw meat, while others prefer to provide their dog with cooked meat. I feed my dogs cooked meat rather than raw meat. My dogs also eat hard cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and fish on a daily basis.

Appropriate and Safe Protein Sources for Dogs

Lean red muscle and organ meat such as:


Poultry such as:

Fish (cooked or canned) in particular fatty fish such as:







You can also add other forms of protein such as:


Raw – make sure you wash the eggshell before cracking open


Cottage Cheese

Hard Cheese such as cheddar cheese, mozzarella for example


Flax Seeds (brown or golden, use ground flax seed as opposed to whole flax seed)

Pumpkin Seeds (best if pulverized or ground)


Split Peas (cooked)

Lentils (cooked)
Chickpeas (cooked)

Peanuts – Peanut Butter
Please note that while the seeds and nuts mentioned above are very beneficial for dogs – most other seeds and nuts can pose serious danger to a dog’s health.

There are some facts that you need to be aware of when it comes to whole food protein…

Raw pork…Never feed your dog raw pork as doing so can cause trichinosis – a parasitic disease caused by eating raw of undercooked pork or wild game infected with the larvae of one species of round worm.

Raw fish…Never feed your dog raw fish as it may contain flukes – a parasite that infests the liver.

Dairy products…Just like with people, some dogs are lactose intolerant. None of my dogs have any adverse reaction to cheese or yogurt. Yogurt is a good source of protein and also a source of acidophilus which helps to prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the digestive track. Plain yogurt or yogurt with natural fruit sweetened with honey is best. Yogurt sweetened with sugar is alright but your dog does not require sugar. Yogurt sweetened with artificial sweeteners should be avoided. Xylitol is especially dangerous for dogs and can result in liver damage.

Raw eggs…Some people advise that dogs should not be given raw eggs due to the chance of salmonella poisoning. It is also true that a dog’s stomach acids are stronger than a human’s and a dog produces more bile than a human does. While dogs are better at fighting salmonella than humans, dogs still get salmonella poisoning, but they can tolerate higher levels of salmonella than we can. If you want to be on the safe side you can cook your dog’s egg. Also, it is important to note that eggs contain avidin, an enzyme that decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). Bioten deficiency can lead to hair and coat problems – so don’t give your dog eggs on a daily basis – once a week is ok.

Peanuts… Aflatoxins grow mainly on grains but they also grow on legumes – like peanuts, walnuts and pecans. aflatoxins cause liver cancer. This is one reason why you will hear some people say do not give your dogs nuts. While there are some nuts that you should never give your dogs ( like walnuts and macadamia nuts) it is fine to give your dog peanuts and peanut butter – they are a good source of nutrition – just make sure you are giving them human grade peanuts products. Peanuts sold for bird and livestock feed are permitted to contain aflatoxins, while human grade peanuts are banned from containing aflatoxins.

Too much protein? Yes, the ongoing debate about how much protein is too much for a dog’s diet. While I think it is best to provide a variety of foods to dogs, I think we need to fixate less on worrying about too much protein and be more concerned about the quality of the protein. In particular the protein source in kibble! Ingesting and processing high quality protein does not strain and damage a dog’s organs the way poor quality protein does. This is one reason why you need to be mindful of the protein source in the kibble you feed your dog. If you would like to learn a little more about this subject you can click here. 

Fruits and Vegetables

Many people think that giving a dog fruit and/or vegetables will give the dog diarrhea. In actual fact high quality soluble fibre helps prevent diarrhea and constipation. 
Soluble fibers attract water and form a gel, which slows down digestion thereby delaying the emptying of the stomach and makes a dog feel full, which helps control hunger and weight. Slower stomach emptying can also have a beneficial affect on controlling blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, which helps control diabetes. Apples, oranges, pears, berries, cucumbers, celery, and carrots are examples of fruits and vegetables that provide soluble fibres.

Insoluble fibers are gastrointestinal tract (GI Tract) friendly as they have a laxative effect, add bulk to the diet and help prevent constipation. Insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water, so they pass through the GI tract primarily intact speeding up the passage of food and waste. Insoluble fibers are mainly found in whole grains and vegetables zucchini, celery, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, dark leafy vegetables, fruit, and root vegetable skins are examples of fruits and vegetables that provide unsoluble fibres. 

As noted above, fruit and veggies contain a lot of good soluble and unsoluble fibre, but they are also rich in vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and are naturally low in fat while being filling.  

Eating fresh fruit and vegetables also plays an important role in:

  • Helping to boost the immune system;

  • Helping the body eliminate toxins;

  • Keeping organs, eyes, teeth etc. healthy;

  • Preventing colon cancer;

  • Reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular problems, stroke and cancer;

  • Reducing the risk of inflamed anal glands (which result in ‘scudding’, burst glands and discharge);

  • Aiding in good oral health;

If your dog is overweight one of the best ways to help it to lose weight is to add veggies to the dog’s diet. The herb turmeric can also help as can coconut oil. While delivering great quality nutrients they also help:

  • Keep weight under control – thereby reducing risk of:

  • Diabetes, and:

  • Stress on joints. 

  • Inflammation of joints is another contributing factor to the onset of cancer. 

These are just a few of the many benefits that fruits and veggies offer to our dog’s health.

In the wild, dogs eat pre-digested fruits and vegetables when the consume the digestive organs of herbaceous prey, as well they also consume some plants, fruits, vegetables to self-heal and boost their immune systems. Grass is one such example.


The fruits and vegetables that I give to me dogs on a daily basis vary a little depending on the season, for instance watermelon in the summer and oranges in the winter. The following provides a partial list of fruits and vegetables that are good for dogs. You can use fresh, canned or frozen fruit. If you are going to give your dog canned fruit, make sure it is packed in juice not syrup – sugar is not good for dogs. You can use fresh, canned, frozen and/or cooked veggies. 

Fruit that is Safe & Beneficial for Dogs to Consume

 Apples (remove the seeds, as they contain arsenic which is toxic to dogs)
Avocado in small amounts is OK for dogs. Avocados contain persin – a fungicidal toxin. When a dog is fed large amounts of the fruit vomiting and diarreha can result from overdose of persin.   The pit of the avocado is toxic to dogs and should never be consumed by dogs.

Canary Melon
Cherries (remove the pit)
Coconut (fresh or dry non sweetened, shredded)
Honeydew Melon
Mangos (remove the pit)
Nectarines (remove the pit)
Peaches (remove the pit)
Pears (remove the seeds)

Vegetables that is Safe & Beneficial for Dogs to Consume

Alfalfa Sprouts
Brussels Sprouts
Green Beans
Green or Red Leaf Lettuce
Yellow Beans (wax beans)
Sugar Snap Peas (in the pod or out)
Sweet Green Peppers
Sweet Red Peppers (yellow, orange and purple peppers)

Roots Vegetables
Sweet Potatoes

How To Feed Your Dog Fruits and Veggies…

    One – Don’t feed a lot of fresh raw fruits and vegetables with a dog’s protein meals…
    The reason for this:

    • Meat is digested at a much slower rate than fresh, uncooked fruit and vegetables; 

    • If you feed your dog raw fruit and vegetables with the dog’s main meat (raw or cooked) feedings, dry kibble feedings – the protein-based food will be pushed (by the raw fruits and vegetables) through the digestive tract faster than the nutrients can be absorbed. 

    Two – Preparation to Ensure Maximum Absorption of Nutrients from Fresh Fruit and

    In order to make sure your dog gets the full benefit of nutrients from fresh fruit and vegetables you need to understand a little about the difference between a dog’s and a human’s GI Tract…

    • Dogs have a shorter intestine than humans, this means that food moves through the dogs GI  tract faster than it moves through a humans GI Tract;To ensure that your dog’s digestive system has the opportunity to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from vegetables and fruit it is important (especially with vegetables which have a tougher cell wall structure) to help the dog’s GI tract by breaking down the vegetable’s (or fruit’s) cell-walls before you feed it to your dog;

      • You can breakdown the cell walls by choosing one of these three method’s

      1. Finely chop fruit and vegetables – either by hand or with a food processor;

        1. Lightly steam vegetables, or

          1. Freeze the vegetables or fruit first, thaw and then give them to your dog;

            • By choosing one of these three methods to breakdown the food’s cell-wall you:

              • Perform the first stage of digestion, so your dog’s GI tract has the opportunity to absorb nutrients properly, and; 

              • You greatly reduce the chance of your dog choking on a hard piece of vegetable.

          Most fruit has a softer cell wall than vegetables;

          • You don’t have to chop berries such as blackberries and raspberries;

            • But you should cut most other fruit up in smaller pieces, and:

            • Harder fruits like apples and pineapples are best if chopped finely; 

          •  If you are giving your dog frozen fruit:

            •  You should chop the fruit up to avoid a choking hazard; 

            • I add fresh finely minced ginger and ground cinnamon to fresh apples, pears – toss the mixture into the food processor and blend the 3 or 4 items together

          Do‘s and Don’t s:


          1. Don’t give your dog produce that is going bad – moldy, rotting, slimy, you can make your dog very ill.

          2. Don’t feed your dog fresh (not previously cooked or previously frozen) fruit and veggies with their main protein meal – read why below…


              • Wash the food item to remove dirt, contaminates, and as much pesticide/herbicide as can be removed if the produce is not organic.

              • As mentioned above do cut/chop/shred fresh vegetables into small pieces – a food processor is great for finely chopping fruits and veggies.

              •  It is easier to digest and you would not want your dog to choke on a piece of food  that became lodged in their throat. If the dog is very small – 15lbs to 2 lbs cut the produce in finer pieces. Zoey my 12 lb Pomeranian once got a piece of cauliflower caught in his airway – completely blocked. Zoey quickly became unconscious and if I had not administered the Heimlich manoeuvre and mouth to mouth resuscitation he would have died in front of my eyes;

              • When you introduce new fruits and veggies to your dog’s diet it is best to introduce each new food one at a time. If there is any kind of negative reaction, such as stomach upset or allergies you will be able to pinpoint the culprit. None of my dogs have any allergies to fruits and veggies.


                People have used herbs and spices to add flavour to food and to treat ailments for thousands of years. So it should not be surprising that there are many herbs and spices that are good for our dog’s health. Herbs and spices can boost the  immune system and are rich in vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidents to name just a few benefits. If you would like to find out more about herbs and spices you can add to your dog’s diet click here. Herbs such as Turmeric and/or Curcumin can also help your dog loss weight and maintain a healthy weight.


                Grains are not part of a dog’s natural diet, here are some important points to note…

                • I recommend removing all grains from your dog’s diet (including any pre-prepared processed products that contains grains – i.e. grain-in dry dog food or grain-in treats);

                • There are some dog’s that after being on one or more dry dog foods – acquire an auto-immune response  which creates a food sensitivity to many foods that should not normally adversely effect a dog;

                  • In some such cases one of the only food items the dog can still tolerate are grains such as rice.

                  • If you must keep grain in your dog’s diet:

                    • Make sure that you only provide your dog with human quality grains.

                    • If the grains are not human grade they can contain aflatoxins. 

                    • Aflatoxins cause liver cancer. 

                    • Grain that is sold for bird and livestock feed, grain that is used in most commercially manufactured dry and wet dog food is animal feed grade and is not screened for aflatoxins. Always cook the grains. 

                • Grains absorb liquid, so ingesting uncooked or grains that have not been pre-soaked can lead to swelling and bursting of the stomach…dangerous at the least, lethal at worst.

                If you have to use grains in your dog’s diet these are the better grains to use…

                • Oatmeal – steel cut

                • Barley

                • Bulgur

                • Quinoa

                • Millet

                • Brown Rice

                • Pot Barley 

                Grains can be completely replaced by (for example) substituting a combination of sweet potato, chickpeas and lentils as demonstrated in this recipe for homemade dog food.


                Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are very important for the overall health of a dog. However the intake of Omega-3 and Omega-6 must be balanced correctly. The ratio should be in the range of 2:1 for Omega-3 to Omega-6. An out-of-balance ratio can disrupt the balance of pro and anti-inflammatory agents in the body and brain resulting in chronic inflammation and elevation of the risk of health issues such allergies, arthritis and diabetes and can adversely effect behaviour.  To read more about the importance of Omega Fatty Acids, what is a balanced intake and what are good as opposed to poor or dangerous sources of these vital nutrients you can read this article.

                Removing Commercially Manufactured Kibble From Your Dog’s Diet

                If you are thinking of completely removing commercially manufactured kibble from your dog’s diet you need to now a few things first. To make sure your dog gets a well balanced diet (without kibble) you need to include the following food stuffs in the right amounts:

                • Protein

                • Carbohydrates (from starchy roots such as sweat potatoes or from grains)

                • Fruits and veggies…you can also include herbs

                • Fats

                • Minerals such as calcium, you may also need to add vitamins such as A, B complex and E and enzymes depending on the type of food you make.

                If you would like to learn more about making your own dog food you can try these simple to make recipes for nutritious homemade dog food.  


                Related Articles

                For related and additional articles on dog and cat, care, health, training, nutrition and animal advocacy go to thispage.

                Feel free to leave a comment below – if your comment is polite, informative etc. I will publish it. If your comment is a quick question, I will answer it if time permits…

                If you require additional assistancewith your dogs you can engage me to…

                1.0) Do an in-person session(see details below)

                2.0)  Do a phone/email consultation (see details below)

                1.0) In-Person Sessions are available to you if you live in the region of Ottawa-Gatineau, the Ottawa Valley and Region.

                (i.e. Ottawa, Hull, Alymer, Orleans, Bells Corners, Manotick, Vars, Kanata, Stittsville, Smith Falls, Fitzroy, Carp, Arnprior, Renfrew, etc.) 

                  and surrounding areas 

                (i.e. Brockville, Smith Falls, Perth, Kingston, L’Original, Val-des-Monte, St-Pierre-de-Wakefield, etc.)

                or if you will be visiting the area from out-of-town.

                Methods of Payment (for In-Person Sessions):

                Cash, Email Money Transfer and Credit Card via PayPal

                2.0) If you reside elsewhere you can engage my world wide consultation service, details of which are provided just below…

                My Hourly Fee

                $ 100.00/hour in Canadian funds.

                Purchasing Consultation Time:

                Client’s often start out by purchasing an hour of my time and then augment that if required to suit the situation;

                Or you can – if your situation requires it, purchase whatever block of time you want (i.e. multiple hours).

                Methods of Payment:

                Email Money Transfer and Credit Card via PayPal

                1.0 Email Money Transfer:

                1 hour = $ 100.00 in Canadian Funds;

                For payment via email money transfer I provide you with a password (security information).

                2.0 Credit Card via PayPal

                1 hour = $ 100.00 + $ 5.00 PayPal Transaction fee = $ 105.00 Canadian Funds;

                For payment via PayPal I send you a PayPal invoice to enable payment.

                Method of Consultation – Canada, USA and Abroad (i.e. UK, Asia, etc.)

                If You Are Located In:

                1.0 Canada:

                I can work with you via:

                Phone with follow-up by email, or;

                Via email only;

                The choice is yours;

                If you want to work via phone you provide me with your phone number and I will call you at the mutually agreed upon Consultation time.

                2.0 USA:

                I can work with you via:

                Phone with follow-up by email, or;

                Via email only;

                The choice is yours;

                If you want to work via phone:

                You call me at the following number 613-622-7958, at the mutually agreed upon consultation time.

                3.0 ALL OTHER GLOBAL LOCATIONS (i.e. UK. Asia, etc.):

                I can work with you via:

                Via email only, or;

                Phone with follow-up by email…

                The choice is yours;

                If you want to work via phone:

                You call me at the following number 613-622-7958, at the mutually agreed upon consultation time.

                To Set-up a Consultation

                Step 1 – Identify how you would prefer to pay for the consultation;

                  Payment options as noted above are:

                o    email money transfer, or;

                o    Credit card via Paypal.

                Step 2 – Identification of a consultation time that works for both our schedules;

                Step 3 – You then pay the fee for the amount of consultation time you want to purchase;

                Step 4 – Consultation takes place on the agreed upon time.

                Contact me at

                Office 613-622-7958
                Cell 613-293-3707

                Ottawa Valley Dog Whisperer Services


                Behaviour Modification;




                Whether you are experiencing dog behavior problems and would like assistance, or just want to bring your dog up to be a well-balanced canine -  I offer both a local and international service for people with one or multiple dogs. 

                I work with all breeds – from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, etc.), medium breeds size (including Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs…

                International e-Consultation 

                Contact me at

                Office 613-622-7958
                Cell 613-293-3707

                If you would like to help feed Shelter Dog’sfor Free… 
                You can do so by clicking on the links provided directly below…when you go to these sites and click on the button corporate sponsors donate kibble to homeless pets on your behalf. I click on all three sites every day.

                The Animal Rescue Site

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