Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health Review

Every dog owner wants to make sure they provide their loved pet with the best possible care and health. Dogs are so stoic and usually seem to be in great health-especially compared to humans, but lots of doggy ailments go unnoticed until our pets are really suffering. To take the best care of our dogs we need to better informed about their health and how we can make sure it is at its best.

Its a good idea to have a dog health resource book in your home library. One of the best of these books about dog health, is The Ultimate Guide to dog Health. The information found in The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health provides a lot of value for every dog owner. Malcolm Fields, an expert in dog health, has written this excellent resource book. Kingdom of Pets, also publishers of the best dog training book (Secrets to Dog Training) have brought this book to you, so you can be assured of the very highest quality information_in fact if you don’t think The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health provides good value, you can return it for a money back guarantee.

The purpose of Mr. Fields’ book is to teach dog owners how to care for their pets at home, and how to recognize the early symptoms of dog health problems. Mr. Fields offers tons of advice on how to spot problems and tell whether or not they are serious. This advice will help you know how to troubleshoot any ailments, and know when it is serious enough for a visit to the vet, or whether you can treat the problem at home yourself.

The guide is very thorough, and offers an education about all the many many health issues and problems dogs can have. It is unfortunate that the list of possible dog infirmities is so darn long. Here is a listing of just a few of the many varieties of dog health issues you may encounter with your dog: vomiting, diarrhea, dental problems eye irritations, parasites, ear infections, skin problems, lethargy, digestion problems, and on and on. These and many more dog medical conditions and their treatments are discussed in detail . You learn about vaccinations-which ones are necessary and when they should be given. Learn how to give your dog vaccinations yourself-it’s not hard to do (and the medicine is actually very inexpensive), and saves you an expensive trip to the vet. Learn which dog vaccinations are essential so you don’t take a chance with your dog becoming severely ill.

Included in the book are over 50 large and detailed diagrams of a dog’s body, but I like the Symptom Chart best. The Symptom Chart takes you on a path starting with identifying specific symptoms, then to diagnosing these symptoms, and finally to the best treatment choices for that particular health problem. the Symptom Chart will tell you when the problem is serious enough to go to the vet’s office. If the problem is minor, you’ll learn how to treat it yourself at home.

The guide covers many, many dog health issues, such as whether or not to neuter your dog-presenting several reasons why neutering is sometimes a good idea. He has included a valuable section with important information on proper nutrition for your dog, and about the many shortcomings of most of today’s commercial dog foods. Learn Mr. Fields valuable tips on how to properly feed your dog, so he can enjoy great health and live a long and energetic life.

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health is so helpful that it is like having a vet living right there in your library. The Ultimate Guide to dog Health will teach you how to recognize early symptoms, diagnose and even treat them yourself. Very often common dog health problems an be treated with inexpensive household items.

Included with The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health are 4 bonus eBooks.

1. Dog First Aid-This book teaches you basic first aid techniques for sudden health problems or accidents. You can even learn doggy CPR.

2. 180 Gourmet Recipes for your dog- I hear they are so tasty even people find them hard to resist (just kidding).

3. 101 Ways to Spoil Your Dog-Full of fun activities and other cool stuff you can get for your dog.

4. 20 Super Healthy Recipes for Your Dog-20 more great healthy meals for your dog.

There is a 60 day money back guarantee that comes with The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health, so just in case you are not fully satisfied you can easily get all your money returned. Get this book-it will pay for itself the first time you avoid an expensive trip to the vet’s office.

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