Monday, September 23, 2013

Lyme Disease in Dogs

One of the most serious illnesses your dog may get is the Lyme Disease. The most common causes of this illness are fleas and ticks, which also causes skin irritation in many different animals. Their nuisance aside, the real danger to your dog’s health from these pests is that they are blood feeders, and as many people know, most blood feeders act as carriers of Heartworm and Lyme Disease.

However, Lyme Disease is not exclusive to dogs. Cats and many other mammals may also get this disease. Microorganisms such mites, chiggers and fungi’s can also carry these diseases as well as canine mange and various skin related diseases.

Now, the symptoms of Lyme Disease in Dogs are pretty consistent among different types of dogs. Its common symptoms include swollen joints, fevers, poor appetite, weariness, vomiting and fur falling off the dog’s body.

The scary thing about Lyme Disease in Dogs is that they may spread to humans. And although people are generally less susceptible to the disease than dogs, it is worth remembering that this disease may be transmitted through the bite of a deer tick. So everybody is at risk. Those who have been infected by this illness may suffer from a number of symptoms, including fatigue, fever, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes and skin rashes.

There’s good news though. Almost two decades ago, in the early nineties, the USDA has licensed a vaccine which can render dogs immune from Lyme Disease. So if your dog is a bit on the hyper-active side, and enjoys exposing himself to nature and the elements, you should consider getting him vaccinated for Lyme disease.

Of course, if your dog hasn’t been vaccinated then you may want to watch out for the symptoms mentioned here. And if the illness becomes worse over time, don’t be afraid to bring your dog to the vet. Remember that Lyme disease is transmitted via pests and parasites and it is quite possible for your dog to get other illnesses as well.

With early treatment however, coupled with antibiotics, the progress of Dog Lyme Disease may be halted before it can cause any serious damage to your dog health. Still, prevention is better than a cure. Although vaccination is a good insurance policy, the best way to keep your dog from getting infected is to keep him away from tick-infected areas or at least, remove those ticks which have managed hitch a ride on your dog’s fur. Of course, as a last resort, you can always try using chemicals to clear away any ticks which may be present in your yard or your house.  

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