Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Effective Dog Handling

Help to resolve behavioral problems and other dog handling problems solved.

You’ve taken the first step to building a richer relationship with your pet dog.

Our dog’s really just want to have us smile, as they will smile right back!

You will have the the opportunity to access

  • Caring Tips for your dog as well as

  • Basic to Advanced Training techniques.

Feel free to post any questions should you have a specific dog training or question about the care of your dog.

Your feedback is most welcomed!

Thank you for stopping by.

Happy Tails.

Behavioral Problems Solved

Effectively Handled


CC  &  Roxy

November 6, 2009. Tags: , , . Canine Care, Dog Training. .

Cost Efficient Pet Medication Alternatives

Little known fact to save money on pet medication is finally being publicly revealed.  So then why it is we pay an arm and a leg for pet medication when we visit the vet?

Any pet owner knows the incredible expense by having to visit the vet for your pet who may not be feeling well or has a medical condition that requires medication indefinitely.

Although this article I’ve come across today is written based on British Columbia Canada, I can not seeing these same principals not being able to be applied elsewhere in our World.

Often times when our pet is sick we want to do what ever we can for them. Sure to save money on pet medication would be good but in the moment of our pet needing medical care, that usually includes cost not being the issue.

For some cost is an issue even though we need to do what we can for our sick pet. Some vets will consider lowering rates for low income pet owners.

The above article published by CBC states that vets tend to claim that they charge high prices for medication to support their clinic.

Fair enough but when I have been to the vet I am not only being charged for medication but also for the time the vet took to see my pet.

Per hospitals are private businesses so a vet can charge whatever they want. At least in British Columbia Canada according to the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia because there are no regulations as per what a vet can or can not charge for products and services.

The article goes on to cite a cat that needs insulin and how it is leaving the cat owner short on the end of the month bills until he found that he could pay a lot less by acquiring the medication from a pharmacy.  We’re talking about $ 100 dollar savings per month which is significant. Especially when the medicine is needed pretty much for the rest of the cats life.

Apparently the College of Veterinarians of B.C. say that if you ask a vet, they have to write a prescription for your pet so that you can get the medication from the pharmacy which can help the pet owner save significantly. A lot of people don’t know this.

Similarly pet medical supplies can also be acquired outside the vet clinic for much cheaper rates as well.

Interestingly enough, I have found that not all vets charge the same. In fact every vet I have been to have a different rate scale even for just seeing my pet. Now I have a better understanding as to the reasons why.  Meanwhile, the conclusion of this insightful article is to find a more compassionate vet.

British Columbia pet owners save on medical care supplies for your pets.

Health Care Supply

Pet owners can save money on pet medication and supplies by shopping around. It is a good idea that with research and planning ahead of time, we can set things up so in event our pet falls ill we already have a cost efficient alternative.

January 16, 2013. Tags: , , . Canine Care, Dog Health. .

Dog Dental Health – Plaque Off Review

Such a sweet little princess baby Yorkie dog with neglected dog dental health. A beautiful looking dog until you look in her mouth or get a whiff of what must have been one of the nastiest of stinky dog breath.

Small dogs can be notorious for bad breath and teeth.

My 15 month old rescue dog was no exception.

When I got the dog her teeth were all yellow, with quite a bit of plaque build up and her gums hurt so she wouldn’t eat hard food.

I got my dog scheduled to have her teeth scaled, cleaned and polished when I booked the spay.

When I picked her up from the vet clinic, her little dog teeth were beautifully cleaned and polished.

We are very lucky that she retains all of her adult canine teeth. She is now four years old.

Since I want the best in dog dental health for my dog, I have added the Plaque Off granules to my dog’s food daily since the beginning.

With astounding results, plaqueoff is my first choice for natural plaque and tartar control.

I also started brushing my dog’s teeth daily, right from the get go too.

Fast forward two incredibly awesome years.

I kept using the plaque off and I could see that it made a difference, especially when I had stopped using it for just over one month but was still brushing.

The reason I hadn’t used it for a bit is because I ran out and wasn’t readily available in my area.

Once I was able to get more, I started using it again and haven’t stopped.

I already knew what an amazing job the plaqueoff did in helping keep my dog’s teeth clean and free of tartar by breaking down the bacteria that causes bad breath and the base of forming tartar.

Then something really amazing happened.

First, back to when she was spayed and had her teeth scaled.

My dog’s teeth were absolutely brilliant when I picked her up after the scaling and cleaning.

We have kept them that way ever since.

I did notice however, that on one of her side teeth and on each side, they had a ridge on the tooth, from the gum line, that tapered down toward the tooth.

Almost like a band was wrapped around the top of the tooth from under the gum line.

From the first time I saw that I thought it was tartar.

It was so hard that I just assumed it must be her tooth enamel and that since her teeth were so bad when I first got her, that was what was left after the scaling.

I kept brushing daily, making sure my little dog was getting exercise everyday, eating, drinking well and eliminating normally.

We were getting ready to head to the vet for a check up when I was brushing my dog’s teeth.

I noticed that along the gum line of the tooth that had the ridge on, it looked different.

From the bottom of the ridge, on the tooth to up to the gum line, the appearance had changed in color and finish.

Instead of it looking like it was actual tooth enamel it looked grayish and dull.

When I went in for a closer look I was absolutely amazed when this whole ridge on the tooth just crumbled and flaked off the tooth. Same with the one tooth on the other side.

The substance coming off was in the form of little off-white chunks that were like chalk.

That one success story is why it thrills me to share this news with you.

I’m very pleased with what happened to us as a result of using this product continually.

Honestly, I doubt I would have had this result just from brushing daily.

I totally credit the Plaque Off for this break down of plaque.

Made it so easy to remove too.

That’s ProDen Plaqueoff at its finest folks.

It does what it says and that is what it does.

Precisely why I wrote this Plaque Off Review because this product is extremely worthy of mention.

I hope that all dog owners whose dogs have teeth coated with plaque and tartar can take this into account and try it.

It’s truly an awesome product that also promotes healthy teeth and gums while freshening breath naturally.

They say that you will see results within 5-8 months.

I seen Plaqueoff work within this time line but for the ridge of plaque on my dog’s teeth that finally just crumbled and flaked off, that took a good year but that plaque was hard as a rock, like enamel and was a significant buildup.

I am thankful for plaque off that the buildup on my dogs teeth is now gone.

For good I might add.

The patented, Award Winning Proden Plaqueoff  for dogs really does work.

Lucky for SwedenCare,  I’m lost with out it.

It’s an amazing 100% natural product, developed by SwedenCare that removes plaque from teeth with no additives, sugars or gluten or preservatives.

Plaque off is made from specially selected seaweed that is harvested in Northern Scandinavia.

Besides containing important vitamins and minerals, trace minerals and amino acids, ProDen PlaqueOff for dogs works by preventing the bacteria that causes plaque and bad breath from building up in the first place and I’m telling you, it works!

The active ingredients in plaqueoff actually break down the bacteria so the plaque and tartar have no chance to even begin to form. For that reason, it freshens breath naturally as well.

Visit this informative tutorial on Plaque Formation to get a better understanding of how bacteria biofilm plays a role in plaque and tartar build up.

For dogs that already have a plaque and tartar buildup, Proden Plaqueoff for dogs is how to get plaque off teeth.

What I like most about Plaque off is that not only does it work well but it is 100% natural and cats can use it too but this product was tested on humans first. Not animals. Yah!

Studies have shown the reduction of plaque and tartar in those who continually use the product. Just look what my dog and I have accomplished by using plaque off daily!

Plaque Off  comes in different size bottles, with a little scoop to measure out from the instructions, based on the dog’s weight. The bottle goes a long way because you only use a tiny bit per serving that you add to their food each day.

After my amazing experience and positive results from using this product, I highly recommend Proden Plaqueoff for dogs and cats. I can’t imagine not having it as my number 1 tool for plaque control.

ProDen Plaque Off for Dogs and Cats
60gm – $ 13.31
If you have a small dog or cat or even two or one of each, go for the small container. That way you will use it all up before the Best Before date.

180gm -$ 41.99

420gm – $ 88.99
Econo for family of big dogs.

Wait! There’s more. Good News people!

So many people have asked if there is plaque off for people.

When I started using plaque off, the answer was no but now you can get ProDen Plaque Off for Humans.
Best Price I could find is $ 28.26 U.S.D. for 120 tablets and is right here
Proden Plaqueoff – 120 Tablets

If Proden Plaqueoff for dogs can work as well as it does for them, then I am confident that plaqueoff for humans works just as well.

Now I can say yes, there sure is Plaqueoff for humans.

If not for yourself, try it for your dog and or cat. Give yourself time to see the results and Enjoy!

You can go directly to SwedenCare website and read all about ProDen Plaque off. You can purchase direct as well but the purchase price is in euros on their website.

This really is amazing stuff that I highly recommend as a number one product for Good Dog Dental health. Especially if your dog has really bad breath but is reluctant to allow you to brush their teeth regularly. Most important is to give it a generous amount of time to show results.

Thank you SwedenCare! for this amazing product. I just love it and can’t help but to tell everyone our incredible story.

Do you already use Plaqueoff for your dog or cat?

Let us know how it’s working for you in comments.

Obviously if you purchase Proden Plaqueoff from following a link off this site I make a small commission but that’s beside the point.  For your dog’s oral hygiene sake, I urge you to get yours now.

Then you too can be blessed with one of the best plaque and tartar control products for your dog (and cat) to date! I hope that this Dog Dental health – Plaque off review has been helpful.

February 21, 2012. Tags: , , , , , , , , . Canine Dental, Dog Health. .

Dog Halitosis
Holistic Treatment for Dogs with Bad Breath

While there are only several reasons why a dog will have a smelly mouth, many people continue to ask why do dogs have bad breath?

To cure bad breath in dogs, a clear understanding of why dogs get bad breath is necessary in order to begin to pinpoint the specific reasons that your own dog has this problem.

Understanding what causes dogs to get bad breath is the first step in curing it.

In Holistic Treatment for Dogs with Bad Breath, I provide three steps to eliminate bad dog breath once and for all.

By looking at the whole dog, find the cause, know the cure and learn how to keep a dog’s breath fresh.

To just brush or spray with the latest dog breath freshening fad product only masks the underlying problem that’s causing the dog to have bad breath in the first place.

The goal is to eliminate bad dog breath entirely, not by just apply a temporary fix.

What causes bad breath in dogs?

- Ingesting the wrong combination of foods
- Eating something with a putrid odor
- Eating decayed animal parts
- Eating rotten food
- Eating animal feces
- A low grade diet
- Irregular bowels
- Lack of adequate daily exercise
- Lack of water
- An unclean mouth
- Plaque build up and lastly
- Infection or dis-ease

The only way to cure bad dog breath is to look at the possible reasons so to find the root cause.

Reasons for bad breath in dogs

- Poor dental hygiene
- Wrong diet and inadequate exercise
- The make up of the dog and daily routine
- Internal health problems

Treatment for dogs with bad breath

Hopefully you can pinpoint the specific reason for your dog’s bad breath.
By understanding what causes dog halitosis makes it easier to know which of the reasons are unique to your dog.

Once you know why your dog has bad breath you can begin an effective treatment plan designed specifically for your dog, to stop bad breath.

Depending on the reasons found for your dog’s unpleasant breath, treatments can slightly differ.
Dental Hygiene

With poor dental hygiene, the dog’s teeth will have to be professionally cleaned and then followed up with a daily oral hygiene routine.

Premium Diet
What your dog eats can have a major and even sudden impact on their breath.
Switching to a premium dog food could solve the problem.
Avoid commercial dog foods that contain cheap fillers (corn, wheat etc) and chemical preservatives.

When switching commercial foods be sure to do so gradually to avoid digestive upset. The New Food Transition formula can be found here.

Adequate Exercise
All dogs require a walk everyday not just let out into the back yard several times a day.
Dogs need to get out for a good long walk, to sniff, socialize and more importantly, eliminate completely.
The size and breed of your dog will determine the dog’s exercise requirements.

A Dog’s Make Up
If you have a dog with long hair, it can seem as if the dog has breath that is vile but actually is oils from food that’s attached itself to the fur, mimicking bad breath.

A simple face rinse after meals will help curtail this cause of bad odor.

dog halitosis holistic treatmentSet a Daily Routine
Dogs live for routine on a daily basis.

Same time each day gives the dog something to look forward to and  keeps the dog active. Knowing what’s  next and when makes for a more content dog over all. Otherwise a dog without regular routine can become sluggish, bored and can even become aggressive.

Regular routine on a daily basis is of utmost importance.

Internal Health
If you have all your bases covered but your dog still has foul breath, it may be time to consult a reputable veterinarian to run preliminary tests to rule out internal problems being the reason for your dog’s bad breath.
In my opinion not all dogs have bad breath and nor should they.
Nor does smelly dog breath indicate a dog in ill health.
If a dog has breath that is unpleasant it should be investigated so to find the reason in order to properly treat the dog.

If bad dog breath is not due to a medical problem, it could quite easily lead to one should the root cause fail to be addressed.

How about your dog? Hows the breath? Dog halitosis is so common yet so easy to cure and avoid.

February 20, 2012. Tags: , , , , . Canine Dental, Canine Diet, Dog Health, Excercise. .

Switching up your dogs dry food?

Be sure to make the switch gradually by making use of the chart below:

New Food Transition (Based on Two Feedings Per Day)
1st 1/4 New 3/4 Old
2nd 1/3 New 2/3 Old
1st 1/2 New 1/2 Old
2nd 2/3 New 1/3 Old
All New

This will help avoid digestion upset.

March 12, 2011. Tags: , , , . Canine Diet. .

It’s that time of year again.

Note to all small dog handlers: The Eagles are nesting. Beware!

Be sure to keep your dog on a leash at all times.

Especially if walking out in the forest, along the water and so on.

Eagles have been known to pick up our friends for a snack.

Case in point; One day a fellow on a stroll, spotted what looked like a rather large nest within a newly fallen tree.

Upon further inspection, the nest contained many cat and dog collars.

Beware The Eagles Are Nesting! As well as finding scrumptious delights of spawning fish to feed on.

An otherwise easy prey for a careless hunter such as the Bald Headed Eagle.

Please, keep sharp and aware so to protect our small dogs from the Eagles.

January 30, 2010. Tags: , , . Canine Care. .

Broken Dew Claw Nail

Finding The Problem
What a day it had been.
My poor pup. Jerking away in midst of play, with a yelp.
When I put her coat on and when I groomed her.
I had no idea..
Starting at the shoulder, I worked my way down.
I gently touched each of her tiny toes and nothing.
It wasn’t until she lay flat out on her back for her belly rub,
scratch under her small arms and up her legs,
did I find what her problem was.
My Poor Little Baby.
Her dew claw nail was broken off, right at the quick but
still attached.

I carried her out for potty and stopped at the car for our
first aid kit.
Once back inside, I added a small amount of Epsom Salts
to a bowl of warm water.
I had her soak her paw in the bowl of water for about five minutes.
The blood from her broken toe nail had dried and her hair was
all messed up and sticking to her nail.
Once we got her all cleaned up,  I was able to take a better look.
I thought of what I would feel like if that were me.
I didn’t want to cut the nail off as it would need to be cut into the quick.
That would hurt even more.

I had her sit quietly while I moved as much hair away as I could,
applied a dab of neosporin with a Q-Tip

then wrapped gauze around her paw,
holding her nail in the place it would normally be.

I gently taped up the gauze and finished off with wrapping a white
ribbon around the whole bandage.
She was so happy.

She stood up and began licking me like mad.
It must of felt so much better.

Consulting Vet
Prior to finding the problem myself, I had called the vet ..
I noticed she was favoring her paw but could not find any sore spots
when examining her.
My little Yorkie is very hairy, especially on her legs and paws.
The vet told me I would have to come in for X-Rays.
I am glad I held off for a bit.

I was concerned for my pup.
If she is in pain, so am I.

Well with her new bandage she was able to resume playing without jerking and
yelping periodically.

Friends with Benefits
I contacted a vet assistant friend. I was told to change the bandage every two
That eventually the nail will grown out and fall off.
Eight days later, sure enough. No more nail and one healed puppy!

Since then, my Roxy has broken her dew claw nails twice more.
Each one last summer on different occasions and this past summer again.
Last time she was chasing dragon flys on a dock. The times before that she was just playing hard.

Running like mad and just
being her goofy self during play time.
A very active pup.

This past summer when she was bandaged from her last broken dew claw nail, she had to go in for her shots.
In talking with the vet about it, he claimed that he never seen front dew claw
nails break but back ones.
Well my pup doesn’t have back dew claws.
She only has the two at the front.

Family and friends suggest I have them removed so I brought this up with the
He concluded to not do anything but take the wait and see approach.
That, Perhaps I am having a streak of bad luck.
That suits me fine as I am so not wanting to put my pup through that.

It wasn’t more than a week later I ran into a friend at the dog park with her five dogs.
Her small Yorkie mix was limping, off and on.
She told me that her nail was broken and yes, it was one of her fronts.

I told her what I did, adding how much of a difference it made for my pup.
She was so happy.
The last two times, my girl knew what the routine was.

She’s Becoming A Real Pro At This!

Since it rained an awful lot, we just changed her bandage as needed.
As well as the ribbon around her paw.
The ribbon is simply cosmetics and is optional.

I can not thank my vet assistant friend enough as without her advice,
I probably would of fussed over my pup far more than necessary.

This way, I fixed her up within minutes and her routine went on as normal.
One thing we did do different for the first four days was that I carried her
down stairs and back up again.

Until Next Time,
Happy Tails!

broken dew claw nail

Mama Fixed My Sore Paw

November 7, 2009. Tags: , . First Aid. .

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