Sunday, September 15, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar is Good For Your Dog, Cat and You – Health Benefits, Uses, Dosage

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been used for centuries for its medical properties and as a dietary supplement. In Greece, around 400 BC the father of modern medicine – Hippocrates prescribed ACV with honey to treat many ailments. By the later part of the 1700s about 70% of all farmers in USA’s New England states owned-operated apple cider milling/pressing equipment.  Due to the many uses and availability of ACV, it became a common currency of exchange – particularly in rural areas where coins were comparatively in short supply.


Naturally fermented, unpasteurized, organic ACV contains ‘mother of vinegar’ – a cloudy sediment-filled liquid which contains the healthful properties of ACV.

Distilled, pasteurized, over-processed ACV (the type of ACV that is available at most the grocery stores), lacks the beneficial properties of unpasteurized, organic ACV as the pasteurizing, filtering process destroys the ‘mother of vinegar’.

In this article you will learn about…

  • The beneficial properties of ACV;

  • Health benefits of ACV;

  • The many beneficial ways to use ACV for your dog’s health;

  • Dosage (provided for dogs, cats, humans)

  • What to look for when buying ACV;

  • Cautions, side effects;

 Beneficial Properties In Mother of Vinegar

  • Acetic acid (the primary active ingredient);

  • Amino, Lactic and Propionic Acid;

  • Anti-bacterial – when used topically and ingested, ACV inhibits the growth of bad bacteria;

  • Anti-fungal;

  • Anti-viral;

  • Vitamins and minerals including:

  • Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2 and B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pro-vitamin Beta-Carotene, Vitamin P (bioflavonoids);

  • Potassium – protects against tooth decay, heart-healthy as it helps to keeps blood pressure in-check – ACV is an excellent source of easily-absorbable potassium;
    Pectin – helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol);

  • Potash – source of fibre.

Health Benefits/Uses of Organic ACV

Aids Digestion
ACV helps to stimulate stomach acid. Stomach acid aids the digestion of protein and fats.

De-Toxer ACV helps to clean the blood and liver of toxins. A constant and heavy toxic load forces the liver to work overtime – eventually leading to organ fatigue, toxicity and finally organ failure. A dog can end-up carrying a serious toxic load as he/she may ingest and otherwise absorb multiple toxins in the course of a typical day…for example:

  • Many commercially manufactured dog food (dry kibble, wet canned food, treats);

  • Fluorinated water;

  • Road-salt (very carcinogenic);

  • Chemical-based household cleaners (breathing in the vapours, licking surfaces, lying on chemically cleaned surfaces);

  • Surface contact and/or ingesting grass treated with fertilizers and pesticides. 

Dietary Supplement

ACV can be used topically and as a dietary supplement. As a dietary supplement ACV can be added directly to your dog’s fresh drinking water or to one of your dog’s daily meals. I add ACV directly to my dogs’ food once a day.

Dosage (human dosage provided at the bottom of the article):

  • Small Dogs (and cats) up to 14 lbs – 1 tsp;

  • Medium Dogs (and cats) 15 lbs to 34 lbs – 2 ts;

  • Large Dogs:

    • 35 lbs to 84 lbs – 1 tbs;

    • 85 lbs to 134 lbs – 1.5 tbsp;

    • 135 lbs to 200 lbs – 2 tbsp.

Ear Care

  • ACV can be used to clean your dog’s ear;

  • ACV can be used to treat yeast –based ear infections.

  • Combine equal parts of ACV and distilled water, mix the solution; 

  • With a syringe or dropper, gently drop about 10 drops of the liquid into your dog’s /cat’s ear – make sure that the syringe is located at the entrance to the ear canal – the syringe should never be placed inside of the ear canal. 

  • Gently rub/massage the ear in a circular motion, then remove your hand and let your dog/cat shake its head.

Caution – do not use this treatment if you dog’s ear drums are perforated or punctured. To learn more on about ear infections, causes and treatments continue reading here.

If your dog is prone to yeast-based ear infections…

  • Most cases of yeast-based ear infections in dogs are a result of Candida (overgrowth of bad bacteria in the GI Tract which causes leaky-gut syndrome and results in yeast infection which may surface in the ears, paws, etc. 

  • Grains in a dog’s diet are the number one cause of food sensitivity leading to yeast infections!

  • Sugar in a dog’s diet can cause Candida – many commercially made dog treats/dog food contain both grains and sugar!

  • So, to cure the problem you have to do two things:  

    • Get the intensity of the infection – inflammation, under control = the treatment; 

    • Fix your dog’s diet – this is the long-term maintenance portion of the solution = the remedy.

Fur and Skin Health
ACV helps prevent dry skin, promotes the growth and maintenance of healthy fur and is effective in the treatment of:

  • Acne – apply undiluted ACV with a soft cloth or cotton ball;

  • Burns (minor) – apply undiluted ACV with a soft cloth or cotton ball;

  • Hot Spots;

  • Skin Infections.

As a Treatment for Hot Spots and Skin Infections

For hot spots and skin infections:

  • Bath your dog in a warm (not hot!) Rooibos Tea, and;

  • Then do a second rinse using:

    • 1 part ACV to 3 parts water – if the effected spot is small you can use a soft cloth or cotton ball to apply both rinses.

    • If the skin is broken dilute the ACV mixture further (1 part ACV to 4 parts water);

      • Then be very careful as the acidic nature of ACV can cause stinging/pain; 

      • Test a small area first by dabbing the ACV/water solution with a cotton ball onto a tiny test area, do not do a full soak on skin with broken areas without testing first!

      • My dogs are very tolerant of ACV and have never reacted to it with discomfort.

Skunk Odour treatment

  • Sponge undiluted ACV onto fur and skin – avoiding eyes;

  • Allow the ACV to dry;

  • Follow with non-toxic, non-carcinogenic Shampoo and Rinse

GI Tract Health – Promotes Growth of Good Flora
ACV is a prebiotic and helps maintain the proper acid/alkaline balance of the digestive tract.

  • Prebiotics feed probiotics;

  • Probiotics are the healthy microorganisms (good bacteria) that reside in a dog’s GI Tract.

  • When the population of good bacteria is depleted bad bacteria can flourish resulting in candida and other health issues. 

  • Helps prevent and remedy constipation;

  • Helps regularize bowl movements;

  • Helps keep the colon clean.

Metabolism Booster, Appetite Reducer

If your dog, cat or yourself have a slow metabolisim – adding ACV to the diet can help increase the rate of metabolism. In addition to ACV, turmeric is another excellent metabolism (and immune system) booster. Both can be added to the diet. My dog’s get both turmeric and ACV as part of their daily diet.

In addition, ACV can be taken in-between or before meals to stave-off hunger. If you need your dog to loose weight you can also add some fresh fruits and vegetables to his/her diet in between meals. This will help keep the GI tract clean, detox, provide antioxidants and important vitamins and nutrients. But it is important to know which fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs and proper preparation to ensure maximum benefits. You can read about that here.

Treatment, Remedy for Eye Infections

Distilled Water and ACV (room temperature)
Not for use with pink-eye

  • Combine;

    • 2 tbs distilled water with;

    • 4 drops of ACV;

    • Stir well;

    • Drop 2 to 3 drops in the eye two to three times a day until the infection clears;

If you would like to understand more about eye infections

  • Typical Causes of an Eye Infection;

  • Typical Signs that Your Dog’s or Cat’s Eye May Be Infected;  

  • Typical Signs of Pink Eye – Conjunctivitis

  • Contagiousness of Eye Infections

  • Treating and Curing Eye Infections

    • Topical Treatments

    • Ingested (Dietary) Remedies 

  • Duration of Treatment

  • When To Get Your Dog or Cat to Your Veterinarian

  • You can read this article.

Insect Repellent – Natural, Safe

Parasites such as fleas, ticks mosquitoes and worms do not do well in an environment that is not supportive of their life and reproductive requirements. Such parasites do not like acidic environments. ACV is acidic and therefore not an attractive substance for these parasites. The following topical treatment kills adult fleas and is soothing for the dog’s skin…

Topical Treatment for Infestation of Fleas
Toxin and Carcinogen-free Pet Shampoo

This treatment kills fleas as they will drown in the soapy water, the after shampoo rinse and spray acidifies the surface of skin and fur making it an inhospitable environment for fleas…

You will need:

  • An 8 oz bottle;

  • Tea Tree Oil;

  • 100% Aloe Vera Juice;

  • ACV;

  • Fresh, clean water.


  • Pour the shampoo into the 8 ounce bottle;

  • Add 10 drops of tea tree oil;

  • Add 1 tablespoon of aloa vera juice;

  • Shake well.


  • Shampoo Your Dog;

  • Wait 6 to 10 minutes.

Rinse Your Dog

  • Then rinse with ACV diluted in water – 1 tablespoon ACV for every pint of water.

  • Allow your dog to shake the excess water off;

 After-Rinse Spray

  • Then follow-up with a spray of equal parts ACV to water;  

  • You can also add fresh squeezed lemon juice;

  • Do not get the shampoo, rinse or spray in your dog’s eyes;

  • The spray can be used on a daily basis and may be used several times a day.

Body pH Balance – Restore, Maintain Good pH Balance

ACV is an excellent aid to restore pH balance. Poor diet can disrupt the pH balance of your dog’s blood. Acidification of the blood creates a foot-hold for the development of various illnesses.

AVC for Cleaning

Daily exposure to the air born vapours, droplets, and surface residue of chemical based household cleaners are one of the villains a dog’s system must fight to stay healthy. You can help reduce the daily stress on his/her system by making your own dog friendly household cleaners. In addition, many of the chemicals are lethally poisonous to dogs and other animals. You can use ACV as a multipurpose cleaner either on its own or with fresh lemon juice and/or baking soda. I use ACV to clean counters, floors, carpet etc. ACV is an amazing all-purpose house-hold cleaner. To learn about the many ways you can use ACV to replace chemical based household cleaners read on here.

Cautions, Side Effects
If your dog is on insulin or diuretics do not add ACV to his/her diet without consulting your veterinarian as there could be an interaction between the insulin/drugs and the ACV. When ACV is taken with a meal, ACV slows the rise of blood sugar – this suggests that a reduced amount of insulin is required to process the food. The dosage of insulin you give your dog may have to be adjusted to account for lower blood-sugar levels.

Dogs who are suffering from an irritated intestinal tract lining should not take (ingest) ACV.

What to Look for When Buying Organic ACV

Make sure you are purchasing ACV which is:

  • Organic;
    Organic ACV has more nutrients than non-organic ACV;

  • Organic ACV does not have the high-levels of toxins (pesticides and herbicides) present in ACV made from non-organic apples;

  • Unfiltered;

  • Unpasteurized – you should be able to see a little sediment floating at the bottom of the bottle.

Additional Information – Pertaining to Human Dosage

1tbsp of organic un-pasterized ACV mixed with water can be:

  • Consumed prior to meals to stave-off hunger, speed-up the metabolism and as, well provide all of the benefits noted above;

  • Consumed after a meal to remedy:

    • Heartburn problems;

    • Acid reflex.

As ACV is very acidic it is much easier to ingest when it is mixed with another liquid. Mix your dosage of ACV with one of the following:

  • 8 oz of water;

  • 8 oz of cooled green tea;

  • 8 oz of Rooibos tea.

Maximum Dosage for Humans:

2 tbsp three times a day.

Note – the precautions provided above for dogs are also applicable to humans.


Related Articles

For related and additional articles on dog and cat, care, health, training, nutrition and animal advocacy go to thispage.

Feel free to leave a comment below – if your comment is polite, informative etc. I will publish it. If your comment is a quick question, I will answer it if time permits…

If you require additional assistancewith your dogs you can engage me to…

1.0) Do an in-person session(see details below)

2.0)  Do a phone/email consultation (see details below)

1.0) In-Person Sessions are available to you if you live in the region of Ottawa-Gatineau, the Ottawa Valley and Region.

(i.e. Ottawa, Hull, Alymer, Orleans, Bells Corners, Manotick, Vars, Kanata, Stittsville, Smith Falls, Fitzroy, Carp, Arnprior, Renfrew, etc.) 

  and surrounding areas 

(i.e. Brockville, Smith Falls, Perth, Kingston, L’Original, Val-des-Monte, St-Pierre-de-Wakefield, etc.)

or if you will be visiting the area from out-of-town.

Methods of Payment (for In-Person Sessions):

Cash, Email Money Transfer and Credit Card via PayPal

2.0) If you reside elsewhere you can engage my world wide consultation service, details of which are provided just below…

My Hourly Fee

$ 100.00/hour in Canadian funds.

Purchasing Consultation Time:

Client’s often start out by purchasing an hour of my time and then augment that if required to suit the situation;

Or you can – if your situation requires it, purchase whatever block of time you want (i.e. multiple hours).

Methods of Payment:

Email Money Transfer and Credit Card via PayPal

1.0 Email Money Transfer:

1 hour = $ 100.00 in Canadian Funds;

For payment via email money transfer I provide you with a password (security information).

2.0 Credit Card via PayPal

1 hour = $ 100.00 + $ 5.00 PayPal Transaction fee = $ 105.00 Canadian Funds;

For payment via PayPal I send you a PayPal invoice to enable payment.

Method of Consultation – Canada, USA and Abroad (i.e. UK, Asia, etc.)

If You Are Located In:

1.0 Canada:

I can work with you via:

Phone with follow-up by email, or;

Via email only;

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone you provide me with your phone number and I will call you at the mutually agreed upon Consultation time.

2.0 USA:

I can work with you via:

Phone with follow-up by email, or;

Via email only;

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone:

You call me at the following number 613-622-7958, at the mutually agreed upon consultation time.

3.0 ALL OTHER GLOBAL LOCATIONS (i.e. UK. Asia, etc.):

I can work with you via:

Via email only, or;

Phone with follow-up by email…

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone:

You call me at the following number 613-622-7958, at the mutually agreed upon consultation time.

To Set-up a Consultation

Step 1 – Identify how you would prefer to pay for the consultation;

  Payment options as noted above are:

o    email money transfer, or;

o    Credit card via Paypal.

Step 2 – Identification of a consultation time that works for both our schedules;

Step 3 – You then pay the fee for the amount of consultation time you want to purchase;

Step 4 – Consultation takes place on the agreed upon time.

Contact me at

Office 613-622-7958
Cell 613-293-3707

Ottawa Valley Dog Whisperer Services


Behaviour Modification;




Whether you are experiencing dog behavior problems and would like assistance, or just want to bring your dog up to be a well-balanced canine -  I offer both a local and international service for people with one or multiple dogs. 

I work with all breeds – from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, etc.), medium breeds size (including Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs…

International e-Consultation 

Contact me at

Office 613-622-7958
Cell 613-293-3707


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