Saturday, September 28, 2013

Biggest Dog Breed? What Are the Biggest Dog Breeds In the World - Pet Insurance 101

biggest dog breedIt is innate to humans to get fascinated with the largest, biggest, smallest, tallest, and shortest; people delight  a lot in such activities. Come now and let’s discover together the biggest dog breed in the world.  Are you ready?

There are two elements that we take into account when we think about the biggest dog breed and these are its height and weight. Irish Wolfhounds and Great Danes are tall dogs. Irish Wolfhounds are commonly recognized as the biggest dog breed in the world eventhough the appropriate term in their case would be “tallest dog breed” among all A.K.C accepted dogs. These wolfhounds can reach up to 35 inches in their lifetime. Great Danes offers the Irish Wolfhounds a tough challenge at the “biggest dog breed” title. Great Danes typically average up to around 32 inches at the withers however some specimen may well be higher and heavier than almost any Irish wolfhound. Standing on their hind legs, these breeds would be more than seven feet tall, that is a lot of muscle with powerful jaws to boot!

The rationale behind A.K.C’s findings was pointed out in the previous paragraph is that there is a particualr dog breed which is essentially taller and bigger than either the Irish wolfhound and the Great Dane. This is the Bully Kutta, it is a Mastiff and a big one at that. It can reach 42 inches at the withers. The dog can be found in South Asia particulary in India and Pakistan. It goes back quite further in history, where Persians and Greeks utilized Bully Kutta as protecting soldier encampments. In India it was employed to assist in big hunting games. A little more facts about this unpopular but commendable animal is that it gracefully walks like a tiger, it is recognized for being a ferocious fighter but similar to every dogs they love their master and makes a great pet dog.

When it come to weight, the Irish wolfhound points the scales at 120 pounds, the Great Dane weighs in at around 160 pounds on the average; the lesser-known Bully Kutta weighs about 210 pounds. Kutta, by the way, is the Hindi term for “Dog”.

If we look into the second qualification, i. e. weight, for choosing the biggest dog breed on the planet then the names to think about would be the Saint Bernard, Neapolitan Mastiff, and the Great Dane. Mastiffs, in their distinct type as the Bullmastiff, English Mastiff, etc are well-represented in different list of heavy canines. Hark back to just what you’ve read earlier, the Bully Kutta is also a mastiff.

The English Mastiff can weigh up to 200 pounds as well as measure 30 inches at the withers, the Neapolitan Mastiff is often as hefty as 170 pound and can grow as high as 31 inches tall, we previously learn regarding the Great Dane, the Saint Bernard also can load up to 200 pounds in its 28-inch body frame.

The mentioned biggest dog breed may be split up by a few inches and a couple of pounds; but we can be certain that these wonderful pets does pay little attention to these kinds of tidbits of which captivates us. They are all amazing as well as they enrich the lives of many people.

Having a dog DOES improve your health

Why do nearly 40% of households in the USA cherish dogs?

Yes, they give us unconditional love. Yes, they become beloved family members.

But research shows that they’re also good for us — for our health, for our children

and for our communities in general. USA TODAY’s Janice Lloyd explores

some of the ways dogs help their two-legged best friends flourish.

Improve our fitness

Kim Goedeker of St. Louis says her dog’s love of the outdoors inspired her to get healthy. Since she adopted Lola five years ago, the two have become hooked on running together. When Goedeker puts on her running shoes in the morning, Lola, a Labrador mix, sprints toward the door.

“One day when we were walking, I figured maybe I could try to get some exercise since I’m already out there,” says Goedeker, 26. “So I started running little by little with her, then made a goal to run a 5K. I actually ran my first marathon that year.”

Goedeker played basketball and tennis in high school, but in college she “never exercised at all.” When she started a career in St. Louis, she wanted a dog. Lola was in a shelter about two hours from the city and scheduled to be euthanized when Goedeker found her.

Now Lola is helping her train for a half-marathon Oct. 23 in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Her younger sister Gwen, who just adopted a dog, is also running.

Goedeker and Lola volunteer for a Girls on the Run chapter, which teaches girls self-esteem through training for a 5K.

New research on childhood obesity by Jo Salmon, a professor in the school of exercise and nutrition sciences at Australia’s Deakin University, shows dog ownership can decrease a child’s chances of being obese by as much as 50%.

Bolster community

Dogs make life friendlier, according to research done by Lisa Wood, a public health instructor at the University of Western Australia. When she studied the social capital of pet owners vs. non-pet owners in three planned Australian neighborhoods, she found pet owners scored higher in gaining trust, making connections and helping out neighbors than non-pet owners.

That’s certainly the case in Dan and Kathy Hughes’ neighborhood in Champaign, Ill. The four-block walk to their dog park could be fast, but not with their dog, Maxwell.

“There are no strangers in his world,” says Dan. “Thanks to Max, we know a lot of neighbors we would have never met. He stops and greets everyone.”

Wood says her work, published in the journal Social Science and Medicine, showed that pets “act as a lubricant for social contact and interaction.”

Help us heal

A wagging tail sometimes is all people need after a rough day.

Greg Louganis, 50, four-time Olympic diving gold medalist, lives an active life in Malibu, Calif.,while also receiving HIV treatments. He competes with his Jack Russell terriers in agility training, a sport requiring both human and canine fitness. They advanced to last year’s Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Nationals.

“They’re with me through thick or thin,” he says. “Like dealing with my HIV treatments, they’re there. If I curl up on my bed and don’t have the energy to get up, they’re just there waiting for me.”

Edward Creagan, an oncologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., says he has worked with cancer patients who want to get better so they can get home to pets: “None of us can speak about pets without smiling,” he says.

One possible reason: Animal behaviorist Patricia McConnell writes in her blog that the more a dog looks at an owner, the higher the owner’s level of oxytocin, a hormone aiding relaxation.

Teach us about love

That goes for loving ourselves and others. Child psychologist Robert Bierer of Albuquerque conducted a study of 128 children and concluded that pre-adolescent kids who get the chance to help care for dogs tend to have higher self-esteem and empathy than those who do not.

James Griffin of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development says Mars Inc. is funding NICHD studies on human-animal interaction issues. “The bond is very strong,” he says. “We want to understand it better.”

It’s a bond that was cherished by late writer J.R. Ackerley, author of the 1956 book My Dog Tulip, which was made into an animated film last year. He wrote:

“She offered me what I had never found in my life with humans: constant, single-hearted, incorruptible, uncritical devotion, which it is in the nature of dogs to offer.”

How Dog Fleas Affect Dog"s Health

Dogs are, and will always be, Man’s best friend. For centuries, they have provided reliable companionship to people and have proven themselves to be indispensable co-workers in daily living.

That’s why it is only proper that they receive proper treatment and care from their owners. Sick dogs make for sick homes. And one of the worst source of sickness for dogs are fleas. Dog fleas are becoming a very common thing in dogs as well as the remedy Click Here! . Dogs that are not properly groomed and not well taken care of may end up having fleas. Fleas are small insects that can bite like mosquitoes. When they do bite, they will leave red spots on the dog’s hide about 3 millimeters in size.

Dog fleas are one of the most irritating aspects of dog ownership. Dog fleas not only annoy your pet, but can cause a more serious dog health problems. Fleas feed on your dogs blood and can cause skin irritation, allergies, anemia and even death. Fleas also carry tapeworms and diseases such as lyme disease. While dog flea bites are rarely a major health concern for humans, they can turn into one  when they become carriers of epidemics like the bubonic plague. If you can remember, this is the disease associated with the Black Death that plagued Europe during the Middle Ages.

That’s why dog owners should make it a habit to groom their pats regularly. Studies have shown that regular grooming of pets, especially dogs, results in better health and social interaction between animal and owner. Also, when you groom pets, you reduce the chances of fleas and other insects to reside on their skin. You can also gain a better relationship with your dogs as they will see you as caring owners and will reciprocate your actions in return.

If your dog has been infested with fleas, there’s no need to worry. There are many treatment solutions that are readily available Click Here!. One of the most common would be the use of dog shampoos. These mild detergents are specially formulated to contain insecticides that are designed to destroy these parasites without harming your pet. If you feel unsure about the correct treatment for your dog, then a short visit to the veterinarian may be in order. It may be a bit of hassle, but it will be invaluable for your dog’s health.

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health Review

Every dog owner wants to make sure they provide their loved pet with the best possible care and health. Dogs are so stoic and usually seem to be in great health-especially compared to humans, but lots of doggy ailments go unnoticed until our pets are really suffering. To take the best care of our dogs we need to better informed about their health and how we can make sure it is at its best.

Its a good idea to have a dog health resource book in your home library. One of the best of these books about dog health, is The Ultimate Guide to dog Health. The information found in The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health provides a lot of value for every dog owner. Malcolm Fields, an expert in dog health, has written this excellent resource book. Kingdom of Pets, also publishers of the best dog training book (Secrets to Dog Training) have brought this book to you, so you can be assured of the very highest quality information_in fact if you don’t think The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health provides good value, you can return it for a money back guarantee.

The purpose of Mr. Fields’ book is to teach dog owners how to care for their pets at home, and how to recognize the early symptoms of dog health problems. Mr. Fields offers tons of advice on how to spot problems and tell whether or not they are serious. This advice will help you know how to troubleshoot any ailments, and know when it is serious enough for a visit to the vet, or whether you can treat the problem at home yourself.

The guide is very thorough, and offers an education about all the many many health issues and problems dogs can have. It is unfortunate that the list of possible dog infirmities is so darn long. Here is a listing of just a few of the many varieties of dog health issues you may encounter with your dog: vomiting, diarrhea, dental problems eye irritations, parasites, ear infections, skin problems, lethargy, digestion problems, and on and on. These and many more dog medical conditions and their treatments are discussed in detail . You learn about vaccinations-which ones are necessary and when they should be given. Learn how to give your dog vaccinations yourself-it’s not hard to do (and the medicine is actually very inexpensive), and saves you an expensive trip to the vet. Learn which dog vaccinations are essential so you don’t take a chance with your dog becoming severely ill.

Included in the book are over 50 large and detailed diagrams of a dog’s body, but I like the Symptom Chart best. The Symptom Chart takes you on a path starting with identifying specific symptoms, then to diagnosing these symptoms, and finally to the best treatment choices for that particular health problem. the Symptom Chart will tell you when the problem is serious enough to go to the vet’s office. If the problem is minor, you’ll learn how to treat it yourself at home.

The guide covers many, many dog health issues, such as whether or not to neuter your dog-presenting several reasons why neutering is sometimes a good idea. He has included a valuable section with important information on proper nutrition for your dog, and about the many shortcomings of most of today’s commercial dog foods. Learn Mr. Fields valuable tips on how to properly feed your dog, so he can enjoy great health and live a long and energetic life.

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health is so helpful that it is like having a vet living right there in your library. The Ultimate Guide to dog Health will teach you how to recognize early symptoms, diagnose and even treat them yourself. Very often common dog health problems an be treated with inexpensive household items.

Included with The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health are 4 bonus eBooks.

1. Dog First Aid-This book teaches you basic first aid techniques for sudden health problems or accidents. You can even learn doggy CPR.

2. 180 Gourmet Recipes for your dog- I hear they are so tasty even people find them hard to resist (just kidding).

3. 101 Ways to Spoil Your Dog-Full of fun activities and other cool stuff you can get for your dog.

4. 20 Super Healthy Recipes for Your Dog-20 more great healthy meals for your dog.

There is a 60 day money back guarantee that comes with The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health, so just in case you are not fully satisfied you can easily get all your money returned. Get this book-it will pay for itself the first time you avoid an expensive trip to the vet’s office.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia In Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

Most of us are familiar with the word leukemia and are aware that it is some sort of a cancer that affects people. It is also a fairly well-known fact that leukemia is a serious condition that can be fatal. There are many different types of leukemia, which can affect not just humans, but also …


Humans have used herbs and spices to add flavour to their food and to treat ailments for thousands of years.So, it should not be surprising that there are many herbs and spices that are good for dogs. Holistic medicine for dogs includes the use of herbs and spices to treat and ameliorate ailments and diseases. 

Herbs and spices can also be added to your dog’s food as part of a healthy diet. One of your dog’s best defenses against ailments and diseases is healthy immune system. A healthy diet supports a healthy immune system. Whole raw foods can be an excellent addition to your dog’s daily diet – fruits and vegetables, fatty fish, eggs, yogurt, herbs and spices. In addition to the health benefits, dogs do like the taste of many herbs and spices. 

Herbs and spices should not be indiscriminately given to dogs. Some herbs and spices are very powerful and can have side affects will others are mild and less likely to cause issues. Before you decide to give a herb or spice to your dog make sure you know its use, side affects, toxicity (if any) and safe dosage. 

My dogs eat the following herbs and spicesAloe Vera, Basil, Caraway Seeds, Flax Seed, Fennel Seeds, Garlic, Rooibos Tea or Green Tea (decaffeinated), Parsley, Rosemary, Turmeric and Ginger. These herbs are all non-toxic and beneficial for dogs, but like any other food stuff should always be provided in a safe amount. You can refer to the dosage chart at the bottom of this article. While these herbs are non-toxic, they can interfere with conventional western medicines – this is discussed further below. These herbs are safe for pregnant and nursing dogs.

Here is a little information on the benefits of each of these herbs/spices…

Aloe Veracontains amino acids, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, vitamin A, C and E. It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agents and is an anti-oxidant. 100% pure Aloe Vera juice can also be taken internally to boost the immune system, help reduce the symptoms of allergies and to help the healing of wounds. Aloe Vera gel can be used topically to help wounds heal – 100% Aloe Vera Gel is best. Daily dosages for my dogs are as follows ½ tbs for my 4lb dog, 1tbs for my 8 lb to 25 lb dogs and, 2 tbs for my larger dogs 30 to 70 lbs.

Basil is rich in essential vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, electrolytes and oils that are essential for optimal health. Basil is an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant. Basil is well known for its multiple disease preventing and health promoting properties. You can use fresh basil or dry basil.

Caraway Seedsare rich in dietary fibre, vital vitamins, and minerals, anti-oxidants (cancer and disease fighting). Caraway seeds are considered a warming herb – meaning they help the body stay warm. Caraway seeds are also good for muscle health (anti-contraction).

Cinnamon (Ceylon Cinnamon) is an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-septic, warming and soothing, calming, carminative (anti-flatulent). Cinnamon is said to have one of the highest anti-oxidant levels of all food sources. Cinnamon can help remove the alfatoxins present in foods. Cinnamon is also good for keeping teeth clean and fighting bad breath. I use the powder form ( ground cinnamon).


Flax Seeds are rich in omega-3 and fatty acids, anti-oxidants, nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimal health. Flax seeds also help pass toxins out of the body. There are two types of flax seeds – brown and yellow (golden), both are similar in nutritional value. Daily dosage should be in the range of:
1/2 tsp for tea cup dogs 2 to 4 lbs;
1 tsp for toy dogs 5 to 15 lbs;
1 tbs for small dogs 16 to 25 lbs;
1.5 tbs for medium-small dogs 26 to 39 lbs
2 tbs for medium-large size dogs 40 to 70 lbs
2.5 tbs for large dogs 71 lbs to 90 lbs 
3 tbs for x-large dogs 91+ pounds

Fennel Seeds are rich in dietary fibre, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamins, minerals. They also help protect the body from infection, disease and caner. Fennel seeds are good for the urinary tract. They also help in the absorption of food stuff – thereby helping to keep your dog’s teeth clean and helping with digestion.

Garlic You may have heard that garlic is bad for dogs. Well, garlic has been used for many years by holistic veterinarians. The confusion about whether garlic is good or bad seems to have arisen from confusion with its close cousin, the onion. Both garlic and onion contain thiosulphate, the substance responsible for causing ‘Heinx Factor’ anemia in dogs. However the amount of thiosulphate found in garlic is much lower than in onions, in fact the amount in garlic is barely traceable!  The fear of garlic is a new one – propagated by rumor on the internet and not proven by any facts or study. For an extensive list of foods that dogs should not eat you can click here.

When garlic is ingested in reasonable amounts there are no harmful affects, but there are plenty of beneficial qualities…

  • Garlic contains germanium – an anti-cancer agent;

  • Garlic helps to regulate blood pressure;

  • Helps strengthen the body’s defences against allergies;

  • Helps regulate blood sugar levels; 

  • Garlic is high in vitamins, minerals and nutrients:

  • Calcium, Potassium, Zinc;

  • Protein;

  • Vitamin A, B, B2, C;

  • Garlic is an aid to fighting and treating:

    • Diabetes; 

    • Liver, heart and kidney disease;

  • Garlic is a natural flea repellent and de-wormer.

Please do not add garlic in a mixed form to your dogs diet (i.e. garlic steak spice – this is not pure garlic and can make your dog very ill). When I refer to garlic I am talking about garlic in its pure form – garlic cloves. A safe dosage for garlic is 1 clove/30lbs of body weight per day. I use finely chopped fresh garlic, you can also use dried, ground garlic. You can read more about garlic here.

Ginger is an anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, carminative. Ginger also Ginger helps in the absorption of food stuff – thereby helping to keep your dog’s teeth clean and helping with digestion. Ginger also helps in treating nausea such as motion sickness. Ginger helps boost healthy blood circulation, so it is very helpful for a dog that is prone to vascular damage of the extremities. My Boxer, Robbie has very short fur and is particularly susceptible to vascular damage (i.e. frost bite of the extremities, including ears). In the winter I add about 1 tbs of finely chopped ginger root to his daily salad.  You can also use dry, ground ginger.

Green Teais rich in anti-oxidants and is helpful in fighting some cancers. It is also calming. Make sure you use de-cafinated Green Tea.

Rooibos Tea (Red Bush Tea) is naturally anti-viral, anti-allergenic and a mild anti-anxiety mediator. Rooibos tea is also high in vitamin C, rich in antioxidants (37 to be exact), several minerals and alpha-hydroxy-acid. To give your dog’s immune system a boost you can also add rooibos tea to your dog’s drinking water or food. Rooibos is naturally caffeine free and low in tannin. The USDA has confirmed that rooibos tea is capable of reducing cancer, heart disease and other illness. It is also excellent for dogs with chronic skin allergies. If your dog suffers from anxiety it can help to relax and de-stress your dog. The only caution – if your dog is suffering from iron deficiency do not give him/her rooibos as it slows down the absorption of iron. You can read more about Rooibos Tea here.

I add the juice of one fresh lemon to a freshly steeped pot of green tea or rooibos tea and pour the resulting tea into a large bottle that I store in the refrigerator. Once a day I add the tea to each of my dogs’ meals.

Parsley is high in fiber, rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals which help fight cancer and enhance the functioning of all organs. It also helps the body pass toxins and fights bad breath. Fresh Parsley is best but you can also use dry parsley.

Rosemary is high in fiber, rich in vitamins, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti fungal, anti-septic, disease preventing and health promoting properties. You can use fresh or dry rosemary. 

Turmeric is high in fiber, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, rich in vitamins and minerals and offers protection against anemia, arthritis, cancer, stroke (cardiovascular health), neuritis, memory disorders. You can use powder (most commonly available), crushed or fresh root. I use the powder form (ground turmeric).

If your dog is overweight you might want to try adding either turmeric or curcumin to his/her daily diet…new research by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has confirmed that curcumin helps to speed up metabolism…

Curcumin is the most active curcuminoid found in turmeric, and provides turmeric with:
Its bright yellow colour. Curcumin is well known for its…

  • Anti-inflammatory properties;

    • beneficial for traumatic from accidents and trauma as it helps lower serum levels which would otherwise cause massive inflammation leading to the shut down of the heart and other organs;

    • beneficial in the fight against rheumatoid arthritis.  

  • Cancer fighting properties:

    • Inhibition, and;

    • Treatment;

  • Cardiovascular health properties, and;

  • As mentioned above – metabolism boosting properties.

Like turmeric, curcumin is safe for dogs. If you would like to learn more about the health benefits of Curcumin and Turmeric for you dog you can read this article.

Introducing Herbs to Your Dog’s Diet
My dogs have ever had an allergic reaction to the herbs or spices that I give them, but just like with any other food stuff, some dogs may react to a herb or spice when other dogs will not. I always recommend that if you are going to introduce a new food stuff to your dog, introduce only one new item at a time. Wait a few days before introducing the next new item. Allergic reactions can range from runny eyes and nose, sneezing, itching, swelling, diarrhea or vomiting.

How to Incorporate Herbs and Spices Into Your Dog’s Diet

You can make your own dog food that incorporates herbs and spices. If you would like to try a recipe you can take a look at these Homemade Dog Food Recipes (grain free and wholesome grain options) or these Homemade Dog Treat Recipes that I developed for the health of my dogs. These recipes incorporate many of the herbs and spices noted above.

You can sprinkle the herbs and spices over top of your dog’s food and then drizzle with coconut oil and/or olive or sweet almond oil - I do this with my dogs’ fresh food.

When Should Herbs & Spices Not be Introduced to Your Dog’s Diet

While certain herbs and spices do not create a hazard by themselves they can interfere with the conventional medicines. If your dog is on any of conventional medicines please make sure you consult your veterinarian before you introduce herbs or spices to your dog’s diet. The following provides a list of some of the medicines that some herbs may interfere with…

Anti-inflammatory (i.e. Rimadyl) - please note – turmeric and curcumin will not degrade the effects of glucosamine, chondrotin or MSN, and therefore can be used with turmeric and curcumin

Cardiac drugs
Central Nervous System drugs

Chemotherapy drugs
Diabetic / Hypoglycemic drugs (i.e. Insulin)
Diuretics (i.e. Furosemide, Diazide)
Hormones (i.e. Thyroxine)

To See a More Comprehensive List of Herbs

  • That are good for your dog;

  • That are dangerous for your dog;

  • Many beneficial uses of herbs;

You can read this article. 

Daily Herbal Intake Based on Dog’s Weight
The table below provides a general guideline for herbs/spices based on your dog’s weight. The information provided in the table is an extract from Dr. Kidd’s Guide to Herbal Dogs Care.

Dog’s Weight

(on dog’s food once/day)




1-10 lbs

a small pinch

less than 1/4 cup, 1-3 times/day

1/2 capsule, 1-3 times/day

1-3 drops, 2-3 times/day

10-20 lbs

a bigger pinch about

1/4 cup, 1-3 times/day

1/2-1 capsule/tablet, 1-3 times/day

3-5 drops, 2-3 times/day

20-50 lbs

2 pinches-1 teaspoon

1/4-1/2 cup, 1-3 times/day

1-2 capsules/tablets, 2-3 times/day

5-10 drops, 2-3 times/day

50-100 lbs 10-

2 pinches-2 teaspoons

1/2-1 cup, 1-3 times/day

1-2 capsules/tablets, 3-4 times/day

20 drops, 2-3 times/day

Over 100 lbs,

up to 1 tablespoon

up to 1 cup 3 times/day

adult human dose

adult human dose


Related Articles

For related and additional articles on dog and cat, care, health, training, nutrition and animal advocacy go to thispage.

Feel free to leave a comment below – if your comment is polite, informative etc. I will publish it. If your comment is a quick question, I will answer it if time permits…

If you require additional assistancewith your dogs you can engage me to…

1.0) Do an in-person session(see details below)

2.0)  Do a phone/email consultation (see details below)

1.0) In-Person Sessions are available to you if you live in the region of Ottawa-Gatineau, the Ottawa Valley and Region.

(i.e. Ottawa, Hull, Alymer, Orleans, Bells Corners, Manotick, Vars, Kanata, Stittsville, Smith Falls, Fitzroy, Carp, Arnprior, Renfrew, etc.) 

  and surrounding areas 

(i.e. Brockville, Smith Falls, Perth, Kingston, L’Original, Val-des-Monte, St-Pierre-de-Wakefield, etc.)

or if you will be visiting the area from out-of-town.

Methods of Payment (for In-Person Sessions):

Cash, Email Money Transfer and Credit Card via PayPal

2.0) If you reside elsewhere you can engage my world wide consultation service, details of which are provided just below…

My Hourly Fee

$ 100.00/hour in Canadian funds.

Purchasing Consultation Time:

Client’s often start out by purchasing an hour of my time and then augment that if required to suit the situation;

Or you can – if your situation requires it, purchase whatever block of time you want (i.e. multiple hours).

Methods of Payment:

Email Money Transfer and Credit Card via PayPal

1.0 Email Money Transfer:

1 hour = $ 100.00 in Canadian Funds;

For payment via email money transfer I provide you with a password (security information).

2.0 Credit Card via PayPal

1 hour = $ 100.00 + $ 5.00 PayPal Transaction fee = $ 105.00 Canadian Funds;

For payment via PayPal I send you a PayPal invoice to enable payment.

Method of Consultation – Canada, USA and Abroad (i.e. UK, Asia, etc.)

If You Are Located In:

1.0 Canada:

I can work with you via:

Phone with follow-up by email, or;

Via email only;

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone you provide me with your phone number and I will call you at the mutually agreed upon Consultation time.

2.0 USA:

I can work with you via:

Phone with follow-up by email, or;

Via email only;

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone:

You call me at the following number 613-622-7958, at the mutually agreed upon consultation time.

3.0 ALL OTHER GLOBAL LOCATIONS (i.e. UK. Asia, etc.):

I can work with you via:

Via email only, or;

Phone with follow-up by email…

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone:

You call me at the following number 613-622-7958, at the mutually agreed upon consultation time.

To Set-up a Consultation

Step 1 – Identify how you would prefer to pay for the consultation;

  Payment options as noted above are:

o    email money transfer, or;

o    Credit card via Paypal.

Step 2 – Identification of a consultation time that works for both our schedules;

Step 3 – You then pay the fee for the amount of consultation time you want to purchase;

Step 4 – Consultation takes place on the agreed upon time.

Contact me at

Office 613-622-7958
Cell 613-293-3707

Ottawa Valley Dog Whisperer Services


Behaviour Modification;




Whether you are experiencing dog behavior problems and would like assistance, or just want to bring your dog up to be a well-balanced canine -  I offer both a local and international service for people with one or multiple dogs. 

I work with all breeds – from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, etc.), medium breeds size (including Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs…

International e-Consultation 

Contact me at

Office 613-622-7958
Cell 613-293-3707

Ultimate Guide to Dog Health

Every dog owner knows that he or she has to annually budget for vet bills. And that can get really expensive lately. Especially in the economic times we live in, it is essencial that we do whatever we can to keep those costs to a minimum.

Here’s how to quickly and easily benefit from 35 proven ways to keep your dog healthy. This eBook is 44 pages with 35 proven tips on every topic regarding dogs’ health. It also includes 4 bonuses, and has a 30 days money back guarantee.

Dog Cartoon Of The Week: Left-Unders


Dog Cartoon of the Week is brought to you by Andertoons. Check out the website for more great cartoons.

Cartoonist Mark Anderson lives in the Chicago area with his wife, their children, two cats, a dog and several dust bunnies. You might have seen his cartoons in a number of publications including Reader’s Digest, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Forbes, Barrons, Woman’s World, Harvard Business Review, Saturday Evening Post, American Legion Magazine, Funny Times.

Dog Food: Healthy Powder Supplement

This supplement recipe is from Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats. The Healthy Powder is used in the Doggie Oats recipe and other recipes developed by Dr. Pitcairn.

Healthy Powder

2 cups nutritional (torula) yeast
1 cup lecithin granules
1/4 cup kelp powder
1/4 cup bonemeal (or 9,000 mg calcium or 5 teaspoons eggshell powder)
1,000 mg vitamin C (ground) or 1/4 teaspoon sodium ascorbate (optional)

Mix all ingredients together in a 1-quart container with lid and refrigerate.

Dog Health Problems Symptoms - How the Internet Can Help

One of the hardest things that pet owners find when they own a dog, is that the dog cannot tell you when it is feeling poorly. True enough there are symptoms that are sometimes very noticeable, like when your dog contracts diarrhea, but sometimes like in the case of liver cancer or spleen cancer, your wonderful little pet simply cannot tell you what is going on. It may be very obvious that he or she does feel very well, they might be listless or even act kind of ferocious, for instance if your pet has come down with canine distemper because he has been staying at a boarding kennel. Its just that many times, the symptoms might not be so apparent. One of the most important things that you can do when you are caring for a dog is to find information online that might be able to help you take care of your pet. Silly as it may sound, your dog cannot find out for himself what is going on with his health. He must rely on you as a caring dog owner to take on the responsibility of providing health care. Its not like pet owners don’t want to take care of their pets, its just that sometimes, they get busy, they start reading the email or playing an online game with their friends and then before you know it, 2 hours have gone by and they have not learned anything new that can help their faithful dog friend who has been laying at their feet while they were online. Now, of course, if your pet has loose bowels and is leaving piles of feces all around the house, this is pretty noticeable and you will start paying attention immediately. But, say for instance, your dog starts to develop the symptoms of cushing’s disease in dogs, would you honestly know what was going on with him. Most people would not and that is why it is a very good thing that we have the internet to help us track down and find information about dog health problems. Of course, this may never happen to you, that your wonderful little pet dog comes down with some sort of sickness that makes him feel bad and breaks your heart, but if that does happen, you know that the internet is full of information and helpful websites so you can find out what you need to help your dog feel better fast.